Home Generator Setup Tips

Have you ever wondered how some people manage to keep all the lights on during a blackout or grid-based power outage? They can do this because they understand the tremendous benefits offered by backup generators left on a standby switch… They start running to keep your lights on and your refrigerator cold by detecting when the power goes out. Generators are no small investment, but serve a massive function in our daily lives. Home generators help power our homes and protect our families during prolonged power outages. Some generator models are classified as ‘portable’ and allow us to share power.

However, we must weigh advantages against disadvantages, and while modern tools provide assistance to us in times of trouble, some models aren’t without potential negatives in the wrong set of circumstances. Generators, when the proper care is not taken, present potential threats. Manufacturers highly recommend that people who install or use standby power systems study the industry recommended best practices and double-check the manual if in doubt about anything.

While installing your backup power generator your home electrical system, get a pro to install the necessary hardware for generator integration and never make this connection from your home to your generator directly. If you require extension cables, you must invest in heavy cords that can handle large electrical loads.

The first thing a backup generator user should do is review all the specs provided and all operating guidelines ahead of anything else. Insofar as situating your backup generator, try to find an easy tip is to look for an area that is not blocked by bushes, tree branches, or gardens, that gets lots of air flow. Keep a flashlight handy so that you can easily find your way to your backup power generator during a blackout. Maximize your generator’s effectiveness via a carbon monoxide alarm if your generator is in use. That way if any carbon monoxide is leaking, the alarm will sound.

If you are using a gas generator, make sure to always use fresh gas and to have an adequate supply. Gasoline not used for a thirty day period has lost integrity and you must take measures so that it doesn’t overheat your generator’s coils. Gas and gas vapors present a hazard to humans and structures.  For maximum safety allow the engine to cool at least two minutes before refueling safely. This is also accurate should you ever wish to put your backup home generator in storage. Finally, always maintain your generator according to schedule for best safety and performance.

For more information please visit www.BackUpHomePower.com